ALESSIO BRANDOLINI was born in 1958 and lives and works in Rome. He began his career as a poet in 1989 for the review Galleria then edited by Leonardo Sciascia. In 1991 he won a prize in the new poet section of "Premio Eugenio Montale" with the collection L'alba a piazza Navona (Dawn in Piazza Navona) published in 1992 by Scheiwiller. In 2002 he published Divisori orientali (Manni, Lecce), a collection of poems which was awarded the " "Premio Alfonso Gatto - Opera prima". In 2004 Poesie della Terra (Poems of the earth - LietoColle, Como) was published, which also came out in a Spanish version as Poemas de la Tierra (LietoColle, Como), edited and translated by Martha Canfield. His texts, also translated into French, Spanish, Slovenian, English, Albanian and Portuguese, are included in several anthologies and reviews. He has been invited to the International Poetry Festivals of Medellín (Colombia - 2004), El Salvador (2005) and Tetova (Macedonia - 2005). He collaborates with many reviews and he is one of the editors of the site gialloWeb, which specializes in noir literature, of the site Fabruaria and of the review "Almanacco del ramo d'oro" (a four-monthly review of poetry and civilisation). He organises Literary groups and meetings and he organises events with the literary group I libri in testa. He is part of the jury of the Premio internazionale di poesia Pier Paolo Pasolini. A new collection of poetry Il male inconsapevole was published in 2005 by the Trieste publishing company Il Ramo d'Oro.